
Last updated on 20 September 2019

Welcome to our web site.

We are a small group of villagers that wanted to ensure our history, recent and further back, is not lost or forgotten and to make it available to present villagers as well as those that have lived here in the past or had connections that they would like to remember with Tollerton.

Our starting point was Sidney Potter’s book ‘A History of Tollerton’ that was published in 1928. A lot of his book is old and antiquated so we wanted to bring this up to date and expand.

We have written a book (sadly now out of print) entitled ‘Tollerton: A Village History ‘ and produced a DVD on Tollerton Hall. We still have lots we want to do so please check this website regularly to see what we’re up to.

If you have any comments on the web site or wish to add a contribution, please email us:
