Category: Airport

22 December 2024 / Airport

Julian Fisher contacted us with details on when his mother, Brenda Dixon who came from Hucknall, was a teenager. She loved aeroplanes and wanted to become involved with ‘Blue Line…

29 September 2015 / Airport
29 September 2015 / Airport

Excerpt taken from the Tollerton Village Newsletter of March 2002 although it is not clear if it relates to 2002 or sometime earlier. Situated three and a half miles south-east…

29 September 2015 / Airport

This excerpt was written by Miss Dodd in 1935 and reproduced a lot later in one of the Village Newsletters: The average pilot takes about eight hours of instruction, given…

16 July 2015 / Airport

The walk started at the Parish Rooms (NG12 4EB). Methodist Church opposite was built in 1964.  As well as being a place of worship it will be familiar to many…

13 June 2015 / Airport

  The Airport has had many air shows and, in 1967 the Kings Cup Air races took place (this took place annually but was based at different airports). The programme, kindly…

7 May 2015 / Airport

There are placques on the pill box near the air traffic control tower (taken when it was raining!) in commemoration of different squadrons and in memory of it’s activity during…