Women’s Institute

Last updated on 20 September 2019

The Women’s Institute 25th Anniversary party in 1962

Tollerton WI 1962 - 25th Anniversary





The following article appeared in the Notts Newspaper January 27, 1962

When Tollerton Women’s Institute celebrated its 25th birthday a large number of members and guests from Edwalton, Plumtree and Gamston enjoyed an excellent meal of cold meats, salad, mince pies, cakes, trifle and, of course, a beautifully made birthday cake iced in white and silver, which had been made this year by Mrs Baggaley, a long-standing member and mother of the new president, Mrs P Taylor. The cake was cut by the two remaining founder members, Mrs A Chambers and Mrs P A Andersen.

A special guest was Mrs V Ferriday, who is a still a member of the Institute but has been prevented from attending for some years owing to ill health. Mrs Ferriday is well known to many members in the county for her talks on many subjects and for her competent judging of preserves, etc., at produce shows.

Games and dancing concluded a very enjoyable evening, these being arranged by Mrs Peggy Heason.