Tollerton: A Village History

We published our book ‘Tollerton: A Village History’ in 2015. After 2 print runs the history group decided not to invest in a third print run but to upload the book to our website sometime in the future. Given that we continue to get enquiries about our book it seems timely now to do so (2023).

The book will be upload chapter by chapter over a period of time. Given that there are 16 chapters it may take some time to share the entire book.

If anyone is interested in reading the first Tollerton History book written in 1929 by Sidney Pell Potter called, A History of Tollerton, you can access it via this web address:

The book is dedicated to the villagers, past and present of Tollerton, Nottinghamshire.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any way or by any means, including electronic storage and retrieval, without prior permission of the publisher.


Firstly, our sincere thanks go to all the current and former local residents and their families who have shared information, memories and images that add so much to this publication and give us a real insight into the history of Tollerton Village. So many people have given generously of their time to support us and this project. Many now live in other parts of the UK and, indeed, in other parts of the world; all have responded so positively to emails and letters of request.

Where possible we have included names and some brief acknowledgement against specific items in the publication but this has not always been possible as so many people have contributed.

Secondly, we thank our local representatives on Nottinghamshire County Council, Rushcliffe Borough Council and Tollerton Parish Council for their generous financial contributions to the printing costs and for their continuing encouragement. Without this the publication would never have become a reality.

Lastly, we would like to thank Peter Foale and Jennifer Marshall from Tollerton who have been external proofreaders and have done an excellent job.


We have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book is correct but please be aware that much of the detail has been gained from word of mouth. People’s memories fade and the telling and retelling of stories change throughout the years so the contents are accurate to the best of our ability.


We can only guess the likely shape and nature of Tollerton Village in the future. One thing is certain, it will, like many English villages, be subject to change in years to come. In order to ensure the history of Tollerton is not forgotten, a small group of village residents – the Tollerton Village History Group – set out to discover more about some of the people and buildings that shape the Village we know today. The book covers a wide range of topics including, farming, education, community groups as well as information about specific buildings such as, the Hall, churches, the old rectory, and licensed premises. Throughout, it records the lived experience of a wide variety of residents. Collectively it captures a rich and extraordinary historical record, some of which has not been uncovered for decades.

The group has been determined throughout to take the greatest care to report respectfully and accurately from both historical documents and first-hand accounts. Portrayed within the pages that follow are some amazingly sensitive, funny, gruesome and interesting stories. Historical evidence has been interwoven with contemporaneous one to one interviews, phone calls, letters and emails. Evidence has been collected from individuals currently residing in the village, past residents and relatives. Many are now scattered across the world. A number of individuals who shared stories with the group either bore witness themselves to some of the most important periods in our history or reported known family memories.

Some episodes of history still have an influence on Village life today. For example each World War One soldier mentioned on the War Memorial has been traced and their story told. The memorial is an integral part of the annual service of Remembrance which draws people from the village including those also mentioned in the book – the Scouts, Guides, Brownies, Rainbows and Air Cadets.

This book is an example of how a small idea can grow into something much more significant and accessible when enthusiasts combine effort. Originally it was intended to create an archive of documents and possibly some oral recordings of existing residents. The book and website to follow are the result of many hours of research. I commend it as a good read whatever your background or interests. I knew I would be fascinated by intrigue and scandal but didn’t think for one moment I would find aviation engineering so interesting, except to transport me to exotic places. There is much you too will discover.

It is clear that residents in Tollerton have been resourceful and imaginative in the past; I hope this book encourages the same in the future. “Now is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning” (Winston Churchill). This book is not the end of history unfolding in Tollerton. The Village History Group hopes the book’s contents will create greater interest in village life and encourage residents to protect it in the future.

Dame Elizabeth Fradd. Chair Tollerton Village History Group


Tollerton might appear to be just another relatively quiet, semi-rural village of no particular significance. This is far from the truth; Tollerton has a rich and fascinating history that spans many centuries.

Within the village there have been numerous attempts in the past to gather evidence of Tollerton’s history and to document this. The last sizeable publication was Sidney Potter’s ‘A History of Tollerton’ published in 1929 but this is now out of date as new evidence has become available and the village has grown and developed. Print publications, archived materials and internet sources all help to build up a broad picture of past times in Tollerton but the most significant evidence is that held by residents and their families, past and present. It is their memories and insights that enhance that picture and make it something special and unique. We are therefore indebted to the many former and current residents who have helped us bring that picture alive and encouraged us to produce this book.

This publication is primarily for everyone who lives in our community though we know there will be interest amongst others who have moved to other areas or live in nearby villages. For our senior residents, we hope it will rekindle memories and remind you of past events. For those who have lived in Tollerton a few decades or so, we hope it will expand your knowledge and understanding of the village where you have established roots. For newer residents, we hope it will give you insights into the history and heritage that has shaped the village and made it what it is today.

With bits of intrigue and scandal, amusing tales and stories of great happiness and some sad ones we hope that there is something here for everyone and you will find the book both interesting and engaging.

No publication can capture the entire history of a community; there will always be stories that remain untold, memories not yet shared. We hope that the book will inspire people to come forward with further information and to elaborate upon that which is already mentioned in the book. It is our intention to create a Tollerton History website that can capture new information and additional insights and so maintain the interest in our village’s history and heritage. Tollerton Village History Group