Last updated on 20 September 2019
This excerpt was written by Miss Dodd in 1935 and reproduced a lot later in one of the Village Newsletters:
The average pilot takes about eight hours of instruction, given in half-hourly lessons, before being allowed to fly solo, but many take less.
After the ‘A’ licence has been obtained, the pilots take a course in navigation that is cross-country flying.
This is one of the most interesting branches of aviation; the pilot is carefully instructed how to work out his course, set the compass correctly etc. Should this sound very difficult to the lay mind, it must be emphasised that the modern light aeroplane is much easier to pilot than any make of motor car, and calls for no great effort than the use of a little common sense.
There are at Tollerton, at the present time, a number of very efficient lady pilots who, although they may not aspire to the heights of fame attained by Amy Mollison, nevertheless, get a great amount of pleasure and knowledge out of flying.
It is often thought that flying is an expensive hobby, but like all other sports, the maximum amount of pleasure can be had out of it with the minimum expenditure. There is also a scheme by which young people who wish to learn but who cannot afford the full cost are helped financially to obtain licences. So much then for the aviator’s interest in the NFC [Nottingham Flying Club]. There is, in addition, a very large associate membership and every facility is offered for the leisure hours of the members. There is tennis, badminton, squash and riding and Tollerton is justly famous in flying circles for its dances.
These are usually attended by a number of members from other clubs thus establishing a real spirit of friendship which is one of the most marked features of ‘this flying business’. A visitor to the club recently remarked that he was persuaded to join by this same spirit of happiness and good-fellowship which at Tollerton, at least, prevails over members and staff alike.