Last updated on 8 March 2021
The School log books were kindly lent to the History Group when Mr Thomas was head teacher.
School log books are not the most exciting of items since most of the activities/events would appear in any school’s log e.g. festivities, inspections etc. Other events/happenings were the result of national or local initiatives so therefore happened in all schools around the same time.
Highlights have been picked out of the school’s activities through the years that were deemed interesting and informative.
1959 On 7 September the school opened its doors with 2 classrooms, a kitchen, a staff room, entrance hall and a playground. Mrs E D Gretton was head teacher and Mrs M E Evans, the assistant.
26 children were admitted. 12 were placed in class 2 with Mrs Evans and 14 children in class 1 with Mrs Gretton.
School meals were provided by the West Bridgford kitchen with 11 children taking school meals.
A harvest festival, an open afternoon, a bring and buy sale and a Christmas Party kept them busy as well as having a health visitor come for a routine hair inspection. Dr Cram and Nurse Ryder came for a medical inspection in this first year and the PTA was set up with termly meetings.
1960 started as all children would love it to as, on the 15th January, they were sent home as the oil fired burner had ceased to work and it was an “extremely cold spell”.
In February N Watson (official photographer) came to take photographs of all the pupils.
By July 1960 there were 50 children at the school and the classes had increased to 3 although class 3 was based in the Entrance Hall.
A road safety training scheme (cycling proficiency) was actioned in the playground by Mrs M J Heason (Road Safety) and 12 out of the 13 entrants passed.
1961 The spring term saw 70 pupils on roll and by Autumn it was up to 87.
November 1961 Mrs Bitterling (visiting Manager) of the village [she lived at Three Winds on Cotgrave Lane with her husband and children] helped to plant trees around the school; one for every child and teacher (90 in all). Wooden labels were given by Mr G Smith of Stanstead Avenue with the name of each child and tree. [Unfortunately we cannot ascertain if any of these original trees still survive.]
1962 In the summer term it was decided to adopt the house system, dividing the children into 3 groups: Beech (Red), Elm (Blue) and Oak (Yellow).
As the third year started in September 1962, there were now a total of 108 children: Class 1 – 38, Class 2 – 40, Class 3 – 30. Building of a new extension began.
Mrs Bitterling again presented and assisted in the planting of 21 more trees for newcomers to the school. A rabbit hutch was also donated.
1963 The Official Opening of the new extension took place on 4th October.
1964 By January 1964 the children on roll was now 139. By September 1964 it was 153 (Class 1 – 35, Class 2 – 39, Class 3 – 39, Class 4 – 40). Road marking had begun on Burnside Grove on 28 January 1964. In the Summer of 1964, French lessons came onto the curriculum. By that September there were 164 on roll and 5 classes.
By 1964 the school had the following yearly events: Harvest Festival, Bring and Buy sale, Christmas concert, Christmas parties, health visits and hair inspections, Parent afternoons, World Children’s Day, Sports Day, School outings and Leavers service.
1966 saw a measles/chicken pox/mumps epidemic and 25% of the children were absent.
In April 1966 the roll went up to 176 and by October ‘Phase 3’ of the extension was complete (a new block). This meant that the Entrance Hall was no longer used as a classroom.
1967 On 11 September Mrs Greeton and six children made sketches of work being done on the Canal Bridge alterations (near Gamston) on Tollerton Lane. A press photographer took photos of them at work.
1968 29 April there were188 on roll
1969 At the beginning of July 5 baby bantam chicks were hatched. On the 15th, the aviary door was left open and all budgies were missing.
1970 In October 31 children and 3 adults went on a tour of Paris, the school’s first foreign visit.
1971 In September pupils in the junior department undertook a Study of Tollerton and looked at certain aspects of village life: the airport, church, services, transport, flora.
1972 During February the children came to school at 10am and left at 2.30pm because of power cuts.
In May, the school advised the Parish Council that arrangements needed to be made to have a “No Parking” area outside the school gates after an accident where a car bruised a boy’s foot. The school was advised that this would necessitate the passing of a bye-law to accomplish.
By October 1972 the classes were reorganised to include 6 classes.
November 1972 tree planting. The village and school joined in the ceremony of planting a Red May Tree which was awarded to the village in the Best Kept Village competition. Mr and Mrs Woodcock (still living in North End Cottages) were the guests of honour as they had children in the school since 1959. Mr Woodcock spoke briefly to the children and Mrs Woodcock performed the tree planting ceremony. [The tree once stood just inside the school gates but was removed when the Playgroup moved on to the school site and space was needed.]
1973 In January 193 on roll. NO PARKING lines were painted outside the school. In May a baby chinchilla was born and another on 24/10/1974.
1975 The summer term saw children being admitted at age 5 and the term before their 5th birthday.
1976 French dropped from the curriculum. 68 pupils were absent with the flu/mumps epidemic.
The Public Open Space was officially opened at the end of Lothian Road and Mrs Gretton retired in July at the end of the school year.
Mr J G Wilson commenced duties as Head Teacher in the September. 166 on roll with 5 classes.
1977 The Junior department was organized into 4 classes by age.
A Silver Jubilee Tree planting scheme took place in March and in May, a visit to Cotgrave Colliery was made by class 3. They also had a Silver Jubilee party where all the children dressed in red, white and blue. They had dancing, an outdoor picnic and games. As the new school year started there were 154 on roll.
1980 Mr H Woodhouse was Acting Head for the Spring Term after Mr Wilson left, then in June, Mr J Berry began his duties as Head Teacher. There were now 145 on roll.
1981 The new school flag, purchased by the PTA, was raised up the flagpole by the two youngest and oldest pupils before the whole school as part of an afternoon assembly.
The Chairman of the Tollerton Parish Council, Mr N Nicholson, presented prizes to the winners of a ‘Wedding Day’ poster competition to advertise the schools activities on the day of the Royal Wedding between Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. A commemorative crown was issued to each child by the PTA in celebration of the Royal Wedding and a tea party for arranged for the younger children and a disco for 7-12 and 12-16 yrs was held to celebrate the wedding.
In September children could now start school on their 5th birthday day.
In October, staff met to discuss the authority plans for the abolition of corporal punishment.
1983 Installation of an all-weather cricket pitch commenced and was completed a month later in February.
A group of children represented the school in planting young trees in and around the village as part of the Tree Councils scheme “For Every Child a Tree.”
The new term in September saw the school receive its first computer – a BBC Acorn Micro.
1985 School netball team won the Rushcliffe championship shield for the first time.
Mr Berry left at half term of Summer 1986. Mr Brian Summers took over headship. 132 on roll
In September 1986, children were admitted at the beginning of the term in which they were five.
1991 Richard Thomas takes over headship. 111 on roll.
1992 In March the first film club was held – “Rock-a-doodle”. In May a Special Needs Nursery Nurse was appointed (Mrs A Crofts). In June a Well Dressing was built in the entrance hall and, in July, a coffee morning was held for the first time (and became an annual event) in thanks for help given by parents on a regular basis.
In November, every child in school planted 2 handfuls of bulbs in the school grounds to commemorate the Queen’s 40th year of her reign.
1994 144 on roll
1995 154 on roll and in February Mrs Liz Westhorpe of Tollerton designed a new school logo.
1995 167 on roll, by January that had increased to 176 and by April 1996, to 187.
1996 In October the first grandparents’ day was held. This was an idea from Australia after having a teacher exchange where Mrs Pamela Hopcroft came over with her family and Mrs Karen Daniels went to Australia for a year. It was a great success and still continues today.
1997 The DARE program began in February. This is a drugs awareness project run by Nottinghamshire Police for year 6 children. There were 198 on roll by April.
1999 In July Twiggy from Radio Trent gave out awards in a DARE assembly and in the September, the school became 40 years old. There were 187 on roll.
2000 At the beginning of the Autumn term there were 192 on roll. The school started the new school year with a new classroom and extension for a computer suite
After this date the log book was not available for reference.
The school has many other events that they run like Breakfast Around the World, Brunch with Santa, Anti Bullying week, as well as lessons!
Have a look at the school web site for more information: