The Tollerton Lawn Tennis Club

We have recently received the minute book of the above Club and have transcribed it for ease of reading.

The Club played in the grounds of Tollerton Hall when the owners were the St Hugh’s College but we do not know exactly where or how many courts there were.

Minutes of First Committee Meeting held at “Cinerdene” (?) Melton Road Tollerton on Monday 1st May 1939 at 8.30pm

Mr A.H. Brown in the Chair


Mrs G Howard
Mrs N Howard
Mrs Leader
Mr Cousin
Mr Severn
Mr Butler
Miss Singleton

Apologies for Absence

The Secretary reported that Mr Coleman Smith would not be able to attend owing to an A.R.P. Lecture. Mr Cousin reported that he, along with Mr Brown, Mr Severn & Mrs Leader, inspected the cottage & loft proposed to be used as a Club Room. They were in a very dirty state and Mr Handley the Gardener at the College offered to get the Cottage & loft cleaned through for the sum of 10/- which he later reduced to 7/6d, and he was told he could get on with it. Mr Severn was authorized to spend up to 10/- on materials for decorating purposes, and the Secretary was to arrange for Mr Severn to be able to get into the cottage to commence operations. The Secretary was instructed to order the deck chairs for the following Saturday.

The Secretary was instructed to write to Mr Taylor of Paton College setting forth the terms on which the Club were to rent the Courts and Cottage and to ask him for his confirmation. It was understood Mr Taylor wanted £4 later in the season. This was also to be included in the letter.

The question of rules for the Club was then discussed at great length and it was decided to put the following before the General Meeting to be held on 4th May 1939.

Proposed Rules

  1. The Club shall be called “The Tollerton Lawn Tennis Club”.
  2. The Club shall be managed by a committee of members, and shall consist of the following officers – Secretary, Treasurer, Captain, Vice Captain and of not less than four nor more than six other members. The Committee shall be elected at the annual general meeting, and subject to termination of office by resignation or otherwise shall remain in office until their successors are appointed at the annual general meeting next following their appointment. The Committee shall have power to fill any vacancy that may occur. The retiring officers and other members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.
  3. The subscription shall be as follows:

Annual subscription – playing –              Member Gentleman      12/6d

                                                                           Member Lady             10/-

Annual subscription-non-playing                                                        5/-

Juniors (15 years onwards) paying the full subscription shall be admitted to all privileges

Juniors (15-18) wishing to join at the special Junior Fee of 2/6d can only play up to 6pm week-days and 2 o’clock on Saturdays and Bank Holidays, and to have no priority over full members, and this shall only apply to anyone 15 or not having attained their 18th birthday.

  • Subscriptions shall be due on the 1st Saturday in May in every year. Any member not having paid the subscription by the 1st June in any year shall be deemed to have resigned unless a satisfactory reason for non-payment is given to the Committee but the subscription in arrears shall nevertheless be payable.
  • Visitors can only be introduced by members, such members being responsible for the fee of 1/- and each visitor can play only four times a year.
  • Every candidate for membership shall be proposed by at least two members. All applications for membership shall be made in writing and shall be signed by the candidate and the proposers and the election shall be at the discretion of the Committee provided there is a vacancy.
  • A member desiring to withdraw from the Club must give notice in writing to the Secretary seven days before the Annual General Meeting in any year, otherwise the subscription for the ensuring year shall be payable.
  • A General Meeting of the Club shall be held in every year not later than 10th April to transact the following business:
  • To receive, and, if approved, to adopt a statement of the Club’s accounts to the end of the preceding year.
  • To consider, and if approved, sanction any duly made alteration of the rules.
  • To appoint the officers and other members of the Committee.
  • To appoint an Auditor or Auditors.
  • To deal with any special matter which the Committee desire to bring before the members and to receive suggestions from the members for consideration by the Committee.

Notice convening the General Meeting shall be sent to the members not less than ten days before the meeting and shall specify the matters to be dealt with.

  • If at any time the Committee shall be of the opinion that the interests of the Club so require, they may, by letter, invite any member to resign from the Club within a time specified in such letter, but for the purpose of this rule the vote of not less than two-thirds of the whole committee shall be necessary. Upon the determination of membership under this rule, the subscription paid for the current year may be returned to the member wholly or in part at the discretion of the Committee.
  • No member whose membership has been terminated under Rule 9 or who owes money to the Club shall be introduced by any other member as a visitor to any part of the Club premises.
  • The Club servants shall be under orders of the Committee only, and no member shall reprimand a club servant. If a member has any cause of complaint, he shall bring the same before the Committee in writing.
  • The Committee shall have power to alter the rules, but no such alteration shall take effect until the same has been confirmed at the annual general meeting or a special General Meeting convened for the purpose.
  • The Committee shall have power to make bye laws for regulating the conduct and affairs of the Club provided the same are not inconsistent with these rules. Such bye laws shall be posted in some conspicuous part of the Club premises and shall be binding on all members.
  • A special general meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee and shall be convened with 21 days from the receipt of a requisition in writing signed by not less than twenty one members, specifying the object of the meeting for any of the following purposes:
  • To consider and, if approved, sanction any duly made alteration of the Rules.
  • To deal with any special matter which the Committee may desire to place before the members, including the expulsion of a member.
  • To receive the resignation of the Committee or to remove any member or members thereof from office and to fill any vacancy or vacancies caused thereby.
  • To deal with any special matter which the members requiring the meeting may desire to place before the Club.

Notice convening a special general meeting shall be sent to the members not less than seven days before the meeting and shall specify the matters to be dealt with.

  1. The playing membership shall not be more than 20 per court.
  2. Whites shall be worn at all times.
  3. Rubber soled shoes on courts and no heels.
  4. There shall be a ball levy of 4/- to be paid at leisure.
  5. That a selection Committee be appointed by the Committee at a later date.
  6. No singles shall be played when people are waiting.
  7. Sets shall be either lady’s sets, gentlemen’s sets, or mixed doubles.
  8. Games shall be played of one set with a maximum of 13 games.
  9. On Tuesdays, mixed doubles only shall be played. Visitors, if possible, to be avoided on this night.
  10. Sets shall be made up and the names placed on a board convenient to the Courts and take their turn. No member actually playing at the time shall be included in these doubles.
  11. At Committee Meetings and General Meetings, a chairman shall be elected to preside, and he shall have a casting or additional vote in the event of an equality of votes.
  12. At Committee Meetings (except for the purpose of rule 9) three shall form a quorum. At general meeting 20 shall form a quorum. Junior members may attend general meetings, but they shall not be entitled to vote and they shall not be counted as part of the necessary quorum.

It was decided to open the Club on 6th May, members bringing their own tea, but being able to obtain tea to drink at the Rectory Rooms. The official opening to be on May 13th when tea would be obtainable.

It was decided to hold a Dance at the Rectory Rooms on Saturday 13th May at 8 o’clock, price 1/6d and buffet.

Mrs Leader said she would get the tickets.

A.H. Brown

Chairman 24th May 39


Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 24th May 1939 at The Spinney, Lenton Avenue at 8.30pm

In the Chair:      Mr A. H. Brown

Present:            Mr Coleman Smith
Mr Severn
Mr Butler
Mrs Howard                                    Secretary

Mr Coleman Smith said Mr Cousin had sent a message that he would be unable to be present, Mrs Leader had sent a similar message to the Secretary. The Secretary reported the script of a letter from Mr Taylor at Paton College confirming the letter sent to him i.e. the terms on which we hold the Courts and Cottage with the exception of two small points, namely that the use of the cottage is subject to one week’s notice and there shall be no Sunday play. These two points were agreed and the Secretary was instructed to write to Mr Taylor agreeing.

The Secretary read a letter from Mrs Howard, Melton Road, resigning from the Committee owing to leaving the district. The Secretary was instructed to reply accepting the resignation and wish her success in her new sphere.

There was then a vacancy on the Committee and Miss Singleton proposed and Mr Severn seconded that Miss Margaret Robinson be asked to fill the vacancy – carried.

It was proposed by Mr Coleman Smith and seconded by Mr Severn that a Selection Committee of 5 should be formed and the following were chosen:-

Captain,             Vice Captain,   

Mr Brown,          M Robinson & Mrs Howard

3 to form a quorum.

Much discussion took place with regard to chairs for the cottage and it was reported that Mr Leader would turn out some old chairs from the Rectory Room that could be repaired. Mr Severn & Mrs Butler were to inspect same and report if anything could be done about them.

The question of raising funds was also discussed and the Secretary reported that we had made £6-2-11 at the Dance with tea in the afternoon. We had in hand £10-6-9½  of which £10 was required to pay the groundsman, cottage and balance on the courts, leaving 6/9½ in hand. There were still subs to come in and so the Club was solvent.

Mr Severn offered to get up ball raffles and obtain badges for sale to members, the profits going to the funds.

H. Coleman Smith



Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 13th June 1939 at Collingwood, Melton Road, Tollerton, Notts at 8 o’clock.

In the Chair:      Mr Coleman Smith
Present:            Mr K Butler
Miss M Robinson
Mr Leader
Miss Singleton

The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

The Secretary reported that Mr Leader had offered to get the Club 2 tennis nets at a reduced rate of 35/- the original price being 52/6d.

Mr Smith proposed and Mr Butler seconded that the nets be purchased and that Mr Leader be thanked for his kindness in obtaining the nets for us. Carried.

The Secretary reported that the chairs which had been got out from the loft were too far gone to be repaired, but we had been able to borrow a frame to sit on, and so the question of the purchase of new chairs was left in obeyance.

The question of a Match with “Bunny” was discussed and it was decided to send 3 couples – mixed doubles, and the Secretary was left to arrange a date.

It was decided by the Committee to accept 10 new playing members.

A.H. Brown



Minutes of Committee Meeting held on March 21st1940 at “Collingwood”, Tollerton at 7.30pm.

In the Chair: Mr. A. H. Brown
Present:        Mr Cousin
Mr. Coleman Smith
Mr. K. Butler
Mrs. Leader
Mrs. Howard
Miss Robinson
Miss Singleton (Secy)

The minutes were read and confirmed and signed.

The Secretary reported that the College were willing to rent us the courts again this season and Mr. Handley was willing to take on the job as groundsman.

Mr Coleman Smith proposed & Mrs Leader seconded that we offer Mr Handley a pound (4 weeks wages) to put the courts in condition, to be ready for 20th April. Carried.

Mr Coleman Smith proposed and Mrs Robinson seconded that the opening date be April 20th. Carried.

Mrs leader, the Treasurer, read out the balance sheet for the last year, which showed we had just over £8 in hand, which was very good.

The question then arose as to spending some of the money on top dressing for the courts. Mrs Leader said she would enquire the price of top dressing from a friend and Mr Coleman Smith proposed and Mr Cousin seconded that we spend £4 on the top dressing. Carried.

Mr Cousin proposed & Mrs Howard seconded that we should have a new lock on the Cottage door. Mr Butler arranged to get this. Carried. … would be about 6/6d.

An application for membership was received from Mr & Mrs Widdows, Melton Road, Tollerton, proposed by Mr Coleman Smith and seconded by Mrs Simpson. The application was accepted.

The Agenda was rough drafted for the Annual General Meeting, which was fixed for Tuesday April 16th in the Rectory Room at 7.30pm.

F.H. Sumpter



Emergency Committee Meeting held at The Cottage on Saturday afternoon 1st June 1940

It was reported that the Courts were now finished, although owing to lack of labour, it had not been possible to do the weeding as thoroughly as might be desired.

The question of the charge for cups of tea was raised, some members thinking 2d for the first cup and 1d for the second was too much. After the Secretary had pointed out the financial position owing to spending so much on the Courts it was decided that the charge should remain the same.

The Secretary reported that Bunny Tennis Club would like a match with us, and the Secretary was instructed to put forward 19th & 25th June as convenient dates to us.

The Bridge Lawn Tennis Club also desired to play us, and the Secretary reported that they would meet us on their ground on July 3rd, subject to confirmation.

The question was raised as to play generally of the Club. Some members appeared to object to groups of members playing together continually, and it was decided that not more than two sets of the same four should be played on one day. Men’s fours should be avoided on Saturdays as much as possible, but played during the week when there were not so many members down.

A Selection Committee was appointed as follows:

Captain:             Vice-Captain: Mr. G. Richards

When entertaining visiting teams it was decided that we should give them rolls, cakes and something to drink. Each member playing should pay 9d to cover the cost.

F.H. Sumpter



Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 23rd August 1940 at 7.30pm at Collingwood, Melton Road.

In the Chair:-     Mr. F. Sumpter
Present:             Mrs. Leader
Mrs. Richards
Miss D. L. Singleton

The minutes of the last Meeting were read, confirmed and signed.

The Secretary reported she had received a letter from Mrs. B. Smith, Medina Drive, asking if her sub could be refunded as she had only played once before resigning. It was decided to refund the ball levy only as Mrs Smith had the opportunity of playing if she so wished. Carried.

The Secretary also reported that Mrs Dale & Mrs Fitzgerald had not been able to play but desired their names to be kept on the Register. It was decided that they should be charged a non-playing members sub of 5/-. Carried.

The Treasurer reported that we had £16 – 3 – 6 ½ in hand at the moment.

Mrs Richards proposed and Mrs Leader seconded that new balls should be bought out of funds as they ball levy fund had run dry. Carried.

As the tea fund was now in hand Miss Singleton proposed & Mrs Richards seconded that cups of tea should be reduced to 1d. Carried.

The condition of the Courts was discussed & Mr Sumpter arranged to see Mr Handley to see if something could be done as to watering and rolling them more regularly.

F. H. Sumpter



Minutes of Committee Meeting held at Collingwood, Melton Road, Tollerton on 21st March 1941.

In the Chair:      Mr F. H. Sumpter
Present:             Mrs Howard
Mrs Richards
Mrs Leader
Miss Singleton

An apology for absence was received from Mr Coleman Smith.

The minutes of the last Meeting were read confirmed and signed.

Mr Sumpter proposed that April 17th should be the date for the 2nd Annual General Meeting the time to be 8pm. This was seconded by Mrs Richards and carried.

Mrs Howard proposed & Mrs Leader seconded that the opening date should be Saturday May 3rd – Carried.

Proposed by Miss Singleton and seconded by Mr Sumpter that a similar notice to that sent out last year should be sent out this year calling the Second Annual General Meeting – Carried.

The Secretary reported Mr Handley could not act as groundsman for us this year and it was decided that the Committee should make enquiries as to obtaining a fresh groundsman and report to the Secretary.

It was suggested that a list should be drawn up as to helpers for the making of teas on Saturday afternoons, but although this was discussed, nothing satisfactory was arrived at: but the Secretary was instructed to enquire at the food office to see if it is possible to get a permit for tea, and if it is possible, to bring the matter of tea making up at the Annual Meeting.

The condition of repair of the deck chairs was discussed, and Mr Sumpter arranged to make an inspection of the same and report.

F.H. Sumpter


No more reporting was made in the book, so what happened to the Tollerton Lawn Tennis Club is a mystery.