We were contacted by Bernadette Pike as she had posted some old postcards she had of St Hugh’s College on the Pictures and Memories of Nottingham Facebook page and also sent them to us for our website.
Her connection with St Hugh’s was that as a teenager in the 70s when she used to go with her parents to their annual evening fete/social that was held on one Saturday in the summer where she often helped on some of the stalls. Also, in the late 1960s she remembered a talk and slide show about the place at her primary school which all her class had to attend even though it was only aimed at the boys who might have considered going there.
There is no credit for the photos on the cards or who printed them we are unsure when they were taken. Bernadette guessed that it was either the late 1940s or some time in the 1950s.
Our thanks go to Bernadette for thinking of us.