Category: People

We have had some memorable people living in Tollerton and some people have given their personal memories too. If you have a memory you would like to share, let us know and we can add that on to the site.

30 May 2024 / Historic Events

Taken from the Silver Jubilee supplement that went out with the June 2002 Newsletter and written by Hilary Heason after eavesdropping on Peggy Heason, Gwen Barnes, John Booth, Jean Read,…

29 December 2023 / Historic Events

The Story Behind Two American Dog Tags Tollerton residents who attended the history group’s event entitled ‘The Treasure Trove’ back in 2019 may recall the story behind the American Paratrooper…

4 December 2023 / People
26 October 2023 / Historic Events

Photos kindly donated by Elaine Dodsworth-Lever that were taken by her father, Peter Dodsworth on the occasion of the Village Event in the year 2000. The then serving Conservative MP,…

26 May 2023 / People

Tollerton in 1921 With the on-line publication of the 1921 Census in 2022 we can now build up a picture of Tollerton and its residents about a hundred years ago.…

16 February 2023 / Uncategorised

We received a book via Vernon Birkinshaw that was used for the Tollerton Clothing Club. The initial date inside the book is 1904. A clothing club was one in which…

12 June 2022 / Historic Events
10 November 2021 / People

On looking through the mountains of information we have collected for the history, we found some more recollections from Mike Connelly (see this link for the original piece added to…

21 August 2020 / Farms